person holding a yellow mug that says "Did You Know?"

From hanging up lucky symbols to scattering coins for good fortune, homes around the globe have their way of bringing in luck, warding off evil spirits, and keeping the vibes just right. Here are some more fascinating home-related traditions from around the world:


Home Ownership Traditions

In some places like Japan, owning a home is a big deal – it’s seen as a sign of stability and success. But renting is more popular in countries like Germany and Switzerland because of strict regulations and high property prices.


What Having a Red Front Door in Various Countries Mean

red front door


  • In America, a red front door has a rich history of welcoming people. Back in the day, it signaled to travelers that they could stop by for rest and a meal. During the Civil War, it marked safe houses for runaway slaves on the Underground Railroad. Nowadays, a red door can also subtly tell cold callers you’re uninterested.
  • In Scotland, folks paint their doors red to celebrate paying off their mortgage. It’s a bright way to show they’ve finally cleared their loans and are debt-free.
  • When Queen Victoria ordered the Irish people to paint their doors black, painting them red was a rebellious act. There’s also folklore suggesting that red doors ward off evil spirits and ghosts. Plus, there’s a funny belief that red doors help people find their homes easily when they’re drunk.


Construction Myths



  • You may hear Filipinos talk about Oro, Plata, Mata, where the number of steps in a staircase shouldn’t end in a multiple of three — following the pattern of oro (gold), plata (silver), and mata (bad luck). Ideally, the last step of the stairs should fall under oro.
  • According to Vastu Shastra, the traditional Hindu system of architecture, east-facing houses are considered to be auspicious and bring good luck.
  • In Chinese culture, the number 4 gets a bad rap because it sounds like the word for “death.” So, you might notice buildings skipping the 4th floor altogether or just avoiding the number 4 in their addresses to steer clear of any spooky vibes.


Household Rules



  • In China, it’s considered bad luck to sweep your home on Chinese New Year, as it might sweep away good fortune.
  • A traditional Japanese belief is that you should never sleep with your head facing north, as it resembles the way bodies are laid out for funerals.
  • Brazilians believe it is bad luck to let a purse or wallet touch the floor, as it might cause financial loss.
  • Have you ever noticed that the Polish and Turkish never shake hands in a doorway? They believe it will bring bad luck.


Beliefs around Moving and Housewarming

cat entering a home


  • Before moving into a new home, Russians often let a cat enter first to bring good luck.
  • In Italy, it’s common to leave a broom behind in your old house when moving, to sweep away the old and make way for the new.
  • It’s bad luck to give knives or scissors as gifts in Germany, as it might sever the relationship between the giver and the receiver.
  • In the Philippines, new homeowners toss coins around the living room on moving day to bring prosperity and good luck.
  • Some folks around the world think that sprinkling a little salt in each room and by the front door can keep evil spirits away especially for new home dwellers.


Decorating 101

evil eye charm


  • In Greece, there’s this thing called “the evil eye” or mati. It’s believed you can get it when someone shoots you a jealous or envious look. To keep it at bay, folks hang up this special symbol at their front door. 
  • In Ireland, they believe hanging a horseshoe over the door is believed to bring good luck and keep evil spirits away.
  • You may have heard that a broken mirror is believed to bring seven years of bad luck. Breaking a mirror is thought to bring misfortune and disrupt harmony.


What other home-related superstitions do you know? Share with us in the comments!