Quick Morning Cleaning Routine

Busy moms, we hear you! Hate having to constantly catch up on cleaning every after work or on the weekends? A few minutes in the morning is all you need — seriously! You can achieve a clean and tidy home in a fraction of the time and here’s a cleaning plan you can copy for a cleaner home all week.

Got 20 minutes? Here’s what you can do:

  • Make the bed (3 mins)
  • Do a load of laundry (5 mins)
  • Keep Counters Clear (5 mins)
  • Spot Sweep/Mop Floors (choose a room that’s usually prone to mess like the kitchen or living room) (5 mins)
  • Run/unload the dishwasher (2 mins)


When you do this, we recommend setting a timer. You’ll be surprised by the things you can tick off your list given the time pressure. But of course, safety must always come first so be cautious on wet or slippery floors.

We highly recommend you check out a related blog post about this topic. We LOVE this idea from Clutter Bug about the Just S.T.A.R.T Method which stands for:

  • S: Set a Timer
  • T: Tidy Tote
  • A: Assign a Home
  • R: Run Your Buns Off
  • T: Touch It Once

“Your habits will determine your future.” — Jack Canfield When you stick to a cleaning habit, even with small daily efforts, you’re very likely to keep a clean home.

Try this quick morning cleaning routine and let us know how it goes!