Purchasing a home that has been foreclosed upon can be very appealing when you’re looking for a home for you to live in for a cheaper price, a real estate investment to flip and sell, or a chance to live in a neighborhood you otherwise can’t afford. As for the process...
Did you know that 1 out of 3 active-duty military and veterans have no idea that they have some of the best home buying benefits available? Active-duty military and veterans have some really great opportunities in real estate. With the right information, active-duty...
Choosing to rent or own a home is a huge decision that impacts not only your way of life but also your financial situation. There are many things to consider if you are going to make the move from renting to buying. Where do you want to live? What kind of property...
Homebuyers want the same thing – to get a home they love within their budget. They certainly don’t want to get ripped off. Home purchase is a huge investment decision, so how do you know that you’re looking at a home that’s priced fairly? Here’s how to know...
Are you unsure whether you should own a condo or a house? We are here to help you find out the difference and which is better for you—which is more expensive, which is better for long-term investment among other things. But first, we have to get clear on what a...
How Broadpoint Properties Handles Fair Housing Law In honor of the late civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King Jr., at Broadpoint Properties, each and every day—whether we are in the field, working with buyers, sellers, tenants or property owners—we adhere to...