VA Home Loan Advantages

VA Home Loan Advantages

One in every ten adults in San Diego County is a veteran of military service. Veterans home loans can help Veterans, service members, and their survivors to buy, build, improve, or refinance a home. You’ll still need to have the required credit and income for the loan...
How to Make Sure It’s the Right Neighborhood

How to Make Sure It’s the Right Neighborhood

There’s a reason why in real estate the phrase “Location, location, location” is always said. In real estate, we use the term “external obsolescence”, meaning a depreciation in the value of a home due to factors that exist outside the property itself. And the...
Things to Consider Before You Buy a Foreclosure

Things to Consider Before You Buy a Foreclosure

We always talk about homebuying must-dos and tips here in our blog. Buying a foreclosure home is a slightly different story. The main difference between buying a foreclosure and a traditional property is that with a foreclosure, the seller is the bank. They are...
Signs You Hired the Wrong Real Estate Agent

Signs You Hired the Wrong Real Estate Agent

Hiring a qualified agent—someone who will be able to take you step-by-step through the process—can be difficult. But hiring the wrong agent is a big mistake. Here are eight tell-tale signs you hired the wrong agent. Bad First Impression One’s first impression is...
Which Loan Is Right for Your Home

Which Loan Is Right for Your Home

Buying a home is often the largest purchase one will make in their lifetime. So we want to make sure we’re making the right decision every step of the way. One of the most important considerations is figuring out the right loan for you. But before knocking on...
Get the Most Out of Buying Real Estate

Get the Most Out of Buying Real Estate

Buying a home is an exciting milestone and often the largest purchase one will make in a lifetime. So we want to make sure we’re making the right decision every step of the way. Here are ways to guarantee you’re making the best of your real estate purchase. Get the...