Cheap and easy spring home updates

Updating your home for spring doesn’t have to cost you a lot, nor take so much of your time and energy. These 6 inexpensive updates are cheap and easy, anyone can do with minimal work.

Cheap and easy spring home updates

Repaint your front door

With 10-20 dollars, you can easily improve curb appeal, creating a more inviting entrance.

Change the linens

You can consider simply changing the sheets, throws, and curtains. Not only for looks, but also eliminating dust.

Switch things up

Rearrange furniture, or move decorative items to different rooms in the house.

Add a rug

Rugs easily make a space look more put together. They can also be used to patch up damaged flooring for less.

Decorate With Flowers

Flowers instantly bring life and natural scent to your space. Pick up some from your yard for zero dollars. If you’re not so fond of flowers, greenery has virtually the same effect. You may even jump on the dried flower bandwagon.

Declutter and donate.

Good for you if you’ve already done this. It costs nothing but elbow grease. Some things you can do for an easy home refresh are:

  • Sweep floors and yard
  • Dust furniture, appliances, shelves, etc.
  • Discard old or expired food in pantry, fridge, and freezer
  • Discard expired personal care products, makeup, and old medications
  • Flip mattresses
  • Recycle unneeded paperwork
  • Declutter tools, sporting equipment and toys
  • Clean the vegetation around your AC

Spicing things up around the house doesn’t need to be costly. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can make your space in tune with the season. Got any more inexpensive spring home update ideas? Feel free to share it with us!