You Don’t Need 20 Percent Down to Buy a Home

You Don’t Need 20 Percent Down to Buy a Home

A survey by Ipsos found that the American public is still somewhat confused about the types of requirements to obtain a mortgage loan in today’s housing market. The study pointed out two major misconceptions that we want to address today.DOWN PAYMENTThe survey...
Escrow. Explained.

Escrow. Explained.

Home buying is currently en vogue again. And, homebuyers in North San Diego County and beyond have been busy searching the Internet for homes for sale and attending open houses. Once you have found the home that you are looking for, you write your offer and it is...
Flipping Houses – Can you actually make money?

Flipping Houses – Can you actually make money?

What is flipping houses? You’ve probably seen it advertised on television. Some weekend long course where you go and some “guru” teaches you how to make money by buying a home, fixing it, and then immediately selling it for a profit. BUYING A HOME, WHAT IS AN INVESTOR...
Good or Bad? The Skinny on Lease Option Agreements

Good or Bad? The Skinny on Lease Option Agreements

The other day, one of the agents in our office met up with a home seller that was in a tough spot and had a great question. She and her siblings had tried to sell their family home a few years back but were unable to sell at their selected sales price, so they decided...
What Buyers and Sellers Must Know About Disclosures

What Buyers and Sellers Must Know About Disclosures

If you are buying a home in San Diego County and beyond, there is definitely a lot to know about the California homebuying process and disclosures. THE TRUTH ABOUT PROPERTY DISCLOSURES One thing that is extremely important (and sometimes overlooked) is the topic of...
3 Ways to Make Your Next Home Purchase Without Fear

3 Ways to Make Your Next Home Purchase Without Fear

  Having trouble finding the home of your dreams? With low inventory in many markets throughout San Diego County, many homeowners are afraid to sell their homes because they’re concerned that they may not be able to find a new one. This can be a real problem, but...