Got extra cash lying around and thinking of the best way to grow it? Consider income property. Real estate investing can be lucrative and fulfilling when done right. To help you make a more sound decision and here are some important factors to consider before entering...
Do you want to buy a home but you don’t have enough money saved for the down payment yet? Good news for you – here are 3 of the most common buyer-assist programs you can look into that make it easier to purchase a home in California. Loan Programs to Assist...
We often get calls asking our office after rendering real estate advice or consultation, “Thanks for helping. How much do I owe you?” And we always reply with – “Nothing.” So, who pays us? A Realtor® represents either a buyer or a seller in a real estate transaction....
While there may be certain very specific reasons that someone opts to be a tenant versus a homeowner in San Diego County, homeownership during our current real estate market, may provide you with some annual savings. Watch the latest buy vs. rent analysis from San...
Are you thinking of buying a home? Aside from the things you need to prepare before making a purchase, you also need to prepare some questions and mental notes when looking around for a home. Here are some important considerations when buying a house in California....