Are you thinking of buying a home? Aside from the things you need to prepare before making a purchase, you also need to prepare some questions and mental notes when looking around for a home. Here are some important considerations when buying a house in California....
Making a home purchase is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your life. It’s very understandable to have feelings of doubt and worry whether to go for it, hold on it, or scrap the idea altogether. We’re here to help you clear the brain fog by providing you...
When COVID-19 hit the United States, many people began to worry about the economic outlook, including the housing market. Our office was fielding inquiries from people wondering whether they should sell or buy, and whether the market is going to drop as a result of...
If you’re looking for a sign, this is it – now is a great time to make a home purchase. If you have been renting for some time, you may want to consider buying a house instead, because the money you pay your landlord is basically paying someone else’s mortgage! If, on...
Good news for home sellers: You are in a good position right now as there is little supply of homes for sale and there are quite a large number of buyers shopping around. The coronavirus has definitely reshaped the way we do real estate. Aside from observing social...