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Helpful real estate info from the pros.

Offer Accepted, Now What? Here’s a Homebuyer Checklist

Offer Accepted, Now What? Here’s a Homebuyer Checklist

The homebuying process can be somewhat overwhelming. When buying a home, there are so many different parties involved and so many different activities that need to occur in a very short period of time. In addition to having an experienced...

Don’t Downplay the Down Payment on Your Home Purchase

Don’t Downplay the Down Payment on Your Home Purchase

If you are thinking of buying a home in San Diego or anywhere in the United States, you will want to check out this helpful infographic courtesy of our friends at House Hunt. The infographic shows how money is allocated in a situation where a...

5 Simple Steps to Selling Your Home

5 Simple Steps to Selling Your Home

Here are 5 Simple Steps to Selling Your Home. Hire an Agent. This is your biggest lifetime investment so you're going to need some help. An experienced agent will assist you through all the home selling steps, making the process easier and ensuring your...

Home Improvements That Pay Off

Home Improvements That Pay Off

There are home improvements that pay off the most. If I asked you what particular remodel or change to the home you thought would increase your home’s value the most… what would you say? Would it be a new kitchen, a remodeled bathroom, or...

What Men and Women Want in a Home – It Differs!

What Men and Women Want in a Home – It Differs!

  I know you are not surprised to hear that when looking to purchase a home, men and women want very different things. Big closets, fancy state-of-the-art gourmet kitchens, man caves, billiard rooms, large closets—those interests actually divide across...

You Asked: Do I Have to Sell a Home to Buy One?

You Asked: Do I Have to Sell a Home to Buy One?

Should I sell a home to buy one? With such wonderful real estate prices and interest rates still, right now, lots of homeowners want to make a transaction—to a bigger home, to a retirement home, or to a different neighborhood among other things....

How to Spruce Up Your Kitchen on a Budget

How to Spruce Up Your Kitchen on a Budget

Do you need a kitchen update? The kitchen is currently thought of as the heart of the home. Many prospective homebuyers make this their first stop when they check out a home, so make sure your kitchen looks clean and updated. There are great...

10+ Money-Making Home Improvements

10+ Money-Making Home Improvements

Are home improvements and remodeling necessary and worth it? If I asked you what particular remodel or change to the home you thought might increase your home’s value the most… what would you say?  Would it be a new kitchen, a remodeled...

Check it out: Minimalist Halloween Decor Ideas

Check it out: Minimalist Halloween Decor Ideas

Have you got your spook on yet? If you don’t feel like going all out this Halloween for your decorations, perhaps you can take inspiration from these minimalist decor ideas. Plus, some of the DIYs require little effort as well. DIY Spooky Halloween Candles These...

How to Prepare Your Home For Sale With Pets

How to Prepare Your Home For Sale With Pets

We love our pets. But when it’s time to sell your home, it can be more challenging as a pet owner because living with pets can reduce your home's value. We are at Broadpoint Properties care so much for our furry friends and we’re here to help. If you’re worried that...

How COVID-19 Changed Our Lives and Homes

How COVID-19 Changed Our Lives and Homes

The past months have been a roller coaster of emotions for most of us. With many shelter-in-place policies and the public stuck in the four walls of our homes, still, a lot of things can happen. We reached out to a few folks to check in on them and learn about how the...

The Stress of Surprise Home Repairs

The Stress of Surprise Home Repairs

  Life is full of surprises. But one that any homeowner is not so thrilled about are surprise home repairs. (Oh no!) Whether it be a water leak, or something just broke and needs replacement, the stress of home repairs can happen at any time and nearly half of...

It Pays to Make these Home Improvements

It Pays to Make these Home Improvements

The bigger the home project, the bigger your risk may be. But don’t fret, the key to a successful renovation is only doing things that add value to your property. Over the years, we’ve helped many property owners rent or sell their home fast by doing a few edits in...

Mortgage Applications Point to Good News in the Housing Market

Mortgage Applications Point to Good News in the Housing Market

When COVID-19 hit the United States, many people began to worry about the economic outlook, including the housing market. Our office was fielding inquiries from people wondering whether they should sell or buy, and whether the market is going to drop as a result of...

VA Home Loan Advantages

VA Home Loan Advantages

One in every ten adults in San Diego County is a veteran of military service. Veterans home loans can help Veterans, service members, and their survivors to buy, build, improve, or refinance a home. You’ll still need to have the required credit and income for the loan...

Stylish Ways of Hiding the Ugly Stuff Inside Your Home

Stylish Ways of Hiding the Ugly Stuff Inside Your Home

Cords, thermostats, routers, plumbing, and pet items are all functional but don’t look that great in the open. Look, you don’t have to redo your home or make any drastic changes — we will share some cheap and creative solutions for this. Feel free to copy these quick...

Money Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home

Money Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home

Are you planning to buy a home? Set yourself up for success by preparing and maintaining excellent financial health. Here are the three biggest money mistakes to avoid while you're in the process of purchasing a home. Making Big Purchases If you just bought a car or...